Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Redefining Our Solar System, part 1

My main discussion will be about some news I heard on Coast to Coast AM about a week ago and a news site I'm currently reading. The topic in question is redefining what scientists term a planet, and how that effects our current view of our solar system.

But first, today. As some of you may be aware, August 22nd was hyped to be quite an important day. Iran's official response to their nuclear program was given to the UN. Today also coincides with Rajab 27 in which Muhammed rose into heaven, and now Muslims are awaiting the second coming of the 12th Imam.

Iran had made mention of several things which created a bit of fear and hype in the media. Individuals such as Professor Bernard Lewis said that the date could hold awful things in store, a nuclear strike on Israel, for example.

Well, the day has come and gone. A article on CNN's website indicates that Iran nuclear officials state that Iran is ready to return to the table and discuss Iran's nuclear program. Disaster has been adverted, so it seems.

Last night I had a dream concerning August 22nd, today, and Iran. Now, it could be a result of my own interest in the story and my own anticipation to see if anything would happen. I'm not sure. The dream started off with a nuclear explosion, I'm not sure where. I saw the blast wave and the rising mushroom cloud. The dream shifts at some point to a shopping center on a rainy day. I recall discussing with family that Iran has tested a nuclear bomb. I was surprised at this, because as it was the supposed date in the dream, that Iran only tested a nuclear bomb and not used one. I recall later hearing from a news source or finding out somehow that Israel will be destroyed/attacked by (or on) December 6th of this year.

As I mentioned, this dream could simply be a result of my own unscious anticipation of today's event and a manifestation of my own eagerness to see what will happen. On the otherhand, it could be perceived as prophecy. Iran has not tested a nuclear weapon, at least from what we know. I would presume that such an occurence would be widely depicted by the media. Could the day that they tested this weapon, in my dream, be sometime in the near future, a day where it is raining?

Or, could it be, as I mentioned above, just my own unscious? Does this dream hold special meaning for me that I should research? There is an entry for a Nuclear Bomb in a dream dictionary.

I like to believe in prophecy. I used to be a big doomsday buff, always looking for the prophecy that indicates the end of the world. I've since changed, hoping that the future is a brighter, more peaceful place rather then the desolate, postapocalyptic wasteland that doomsayers portray. With only a little over 6 more year till 2012, I hope that the end of the Mayan calendar represents a time of spiritual transformation, a migration into a new form of thought that benefits all of humanity, and not the end of the world as some faiths teach.

Only time can tell. I will continue my discussion in regards to the Solar system in the next post.

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