The Self-Centered Christian God
Recently I've been developing an increased interest in Gnostic teachings as well as Jewish Mysticism (Kabbalah). In the process of increasing my exposure to the topic I stumbled upon an idea that I recall from the early days of my interest on the subject. While I did not pursue it with as intense passion as I find myself now, I did retain some basic understanding of it. In Gnostic teachings we are taught that the Being we call God in Christian theology is in fact evil. Now, I must admit my understanding of Gnostic teachings is still somewhat limited. So, I'm going to start off by offering my comments and thoughts on the subject. In due time as I begin to understand more about the teachings I might come back here and re-evaluate what I've said and make edits, or continue on in another post.
Now, it is questionable whether or not this God, or Demiurge, is evil in the traditional sense. I say this because we can approach it from several perspectives. On one hand, we must recognize the separation between the unknowable 'God', that Creative Force which emanates throughout our reality and is both the cause and effect of Creation. This is the pure potential energy that represents the a priori force responsible for 'reality'. It is entirely separate from our material world and exists beyond the comprehension of the vocabulary and language of our Beingness. It is not the case that we do not know 'God', but it is impossible for us to even begin to contemplate 'God'. The notion of this creative force exists beyond any sort of duality, beyond any means of comprehension. From the perspective of the Demiurge, the creator of the materialistic universe, this 'God' is also unknowable. The Force behind creation, this 'Unknowable' energy is without ego or identity. It is oblivious to and aware of itself at the both time, formulating the underlying Pulse of the universe.
That represents the ultimate nature of ourselves. The energy unleashed by this Creator permeates throughout our universe. It proceeds from its state of coalesced potential to divide into the many forms of energy as we understand it both metaphysically and scientifically. From an esoteric perspective, it represents the five elements of Wind, Fire, Earth, Water and Spirit. From a scientific perspective it is the many different frequencies of energy found on the electromagnetic spectrum. Different vocabularies and groups of language are utilized to ultimately describe the same phenomenon. The materialistic universe, is therefore, an expression of the reactions between these various forms of energy. However, it was motivated by the Demiurge, a being with significantly higher understanding of the underlying clockwork of the universe but still insufficient enough understanding to realize its own place. From this Demiurge emerges the physical universe as we see it, and from the hands of this false creator comes forth physical life. This is not Life as given to us by the Creative Force, but the imprisonment of the Divine energy inherent in each of us and bounded to the physical plane.
And thus we have a god that demands our obedience and worship, giving to us the impression that It is responsible for the entirety of reality. And while this may be misperceived as evil, and as taught in Gnostic teachings (or at least my brief exposure to it), it is not the result of some sadistic personality but rather from the property of It's own ignorance. Just as we, as humans, are subject to fallacies and failures, so is this Demiurge who is responsible for our souls. It truly believes that it is the ultimate form of energy and the apex of creation, where in fact it is far removed from that source.
I will leave you to contemplate this, as I shall continue to contemplate more as well. In due time I hope to elaborate on the topic of the Demiurge and convey greater understanding and detail, as well as clear up any misconceptions I may have introduced. I remind you that this post is more a product of my stream of consciousness and involves those words which manifest themselves first more then a product of anything else.
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